Transit Asset Management Events
What's New
- FTA and its partners have held a number of events associated with the Transit Asset Management (TAM) rule. View materials from specific events below. Visit the TAM Resource Table for additional materials from past events.
- Peer Learning
- Roundtables
- Webinar Materials
- Sign up here to subscribe to receive correspondence from the TAM Program, including announcements for peer learning offerings.
Peer Learning
FTA’s peer learning opportunities bring together transit agencies and other stakeholders from around the country to discuss TAM plans and other aspects of transit asset management. Announcements for upcoming peer learning events will be sent to the TAM email distribution list and interested parties will be asked to submit a brief application to participate. Please see below for different peer offering descriptions:
- Virtual discussion forms are standalone, virtual events for ~10 transit agency professionals to present briefly and talk about a predetermined topic. These ~90-minute sessions provide an opportunity for participants to network and collaborate on a variety of TAM topics.
- TAM peer working groups bring together ~15 participants from different transit agencies to engage virtually on a designated TAM topic to promote peer learning, share peer-designed resources, and collaborate on best practices. The group will meet monthly for one year, and participants will give short presentations on a rotating basis on a best practice or a current challenge at their agency. The next peer working group is expected to begin in early 2024.
- Peer exchanges are in-person, 1.5-day events on a specific topic involving a small number of agencies and will take place onsite at one of the participating agencies. The next TAM peer exchange is expected to occur in early 2024.
FTA’s TAM Roundtable draws transit agency representatives focused on managing transit capital assets. The roundtable encourages participants to learn best practices from their peers.
- 2024 Transit Asset Management Roundtable (Chicago, IL)
- 2023 Transit Asset Management Roundtable (Boston, MA)
- 2022 Transit Asset Management Roundtable (Virtual)
- 2021 Transit Asset Management Roundtable (Virtual)
- 2020 Transit Asset Management Roundtable (Virtual)
- 2019 Bus Transit Asset Management Roundtable (St. Louis, MO)
- 2019 Multimodal Transit Asset Management Roundtable (Baltimore, MD)
- 2018 Transit Asset Management Roundtable (San Diego, CA)
- 2017 Transit Asset Management Roundtable (Cambridge, MA)
- 2016 Transit Asset Management/State of Good Repair Roundtable (Minneapolis, MN)
- 2015 State of Good Repair Roundtable (Denver, CO)
- 2012 State of Good Repair Roundtable (Philadelphia, PA)
- 2011 State of Good Repair Roundtable (Atlanta, GA)
- 2010 State of Good Repair Roundtable (Chicago, IL)
- 2009 State of Good Repair Roundtable (Washington, DC)
- 2008 Prologue with the Transit Industry on a State of Good Repair (San Diego, CA)
Webinar Materials
FTA’s TAM webinars provide information from the TAM Program and showcase the work of State and local TAM stakeholders to advance the state of the practice and address current and future needs. The table below contains materials from webinars hosted by the FTA TAM program as well as relevant webinars hosted by public and private partners. Feel free to check out the YouTube TAM Webinars playlist to easily access past webinar recordings.
Title | Date | Presenter(s) | Resources |
TAM Resource Updates and Learning Opportunities | 12/10/2024 |
Tamalynn Kennedy, FTA |
Presentation |
Integrating TAM Data into National Transit Database (NTD) Reporting | 4/2/2024 | Chelsea Champlin, FTA and Mitchell Rose, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority | |
Creating the Foundation for Quality Asset Data | 9/28/2023 |
Justin Barclay, Maryland Transit Administration Mariyana Tozeva, Maryland Transit Administration |
Back to TAM Basics | 4/27/2023 | Tamalynn Kennedy, FTA | |
Connecting TAM & Performance Management | 12/7/2022 |
Kevin Olinger, Transit Bureau Chief, New Mexico Department of Transportation Tina Ignat, TAM Program Manager, Metra
2022 Using TAMPLATE to Create a TAM Plan | 4/28/2022 |
Tamalynn Kennedy, FTA |
Recording Presentation Transcript |
2022 Using Decision Support Tools for Transit Asset Management |
2/3/2022 |
David Juba, Susquehanna Regional Transportation Authority |
2022 TAM Plan Update Expectations and Tools | 10/27/2021 |
Mshadoni Smith, FTA |
Making the TAM Connection: Capital Planning and Investment Prioritization |
5/25/2021 |
Jim Morrill, SFMTA |
Maintaining MomenTAM |
3/31/2021 |
Lou Cripps, RTD Denver |
Staying on Track with TAM: FTA Updates, Upcoming Deadlines and Resources | 10/21/2020 |
Mshadoni Smith, FTA |
National Transit Database: Annual Asset Inventory Module Reporting (hosted by NTI) | 10/6/2020 |
Mshadoni Smith, FTA |
Recording |
Transportation Asset Management in a COVID-19 World (hosted by TRB) | 7/15/2020 | Neil Pedersen, TRB Carlos Braceras, Utah DOT Julie Lorenz, Kansas DOT Leslie Richards, SEPTA Therese McMillan, Bay Area Metro Greg Slater, Maryland DOT Paul Wiedefeld, WMATA |
Using NTD Data to Support TAM | 6/3/2020 | Alexandra Galanti, FTA Tina Ignat, Metra Jordan Holt, WMATA |
Multi-State Transit Technical Assistance Program (hosted by AASHTO) | 3/13/2020 | Mshadoni Smith, FTA Adam Kraft, Montana DOT David Jacobs, Montana DOT Sharon Okoye, Connecticut DOT Joni Roeseler, Missouri DOT |
Recording Presentation Materials |
Workforce Planning and Development | 2/12/2020 |
Lou Cripps, Denver RTD |
Recording Transcript |
Improving Your Asset Information and Embracing Continual Improvement (hosted by APTA, in partnership with FTA) |
1/21/2020 | Laura Zale, SEPTA Simon Smith, AMCL Luke Westlund, Denver RTD |
Recording Presentation |
Baseline TAM Data in the NTD | 12/19/2019 |
Mshadoni Smith, FTA |
Recording Transcript |
In-House Tools to Support TAM | 11/20/2019 | Thomas Humphrey, Metro Transit Sree Mitra, Iowa DOT Joseph Drahos, Iowa DOT |
Recording Transcript |
How to Engage Your TAM Stakeholders (hosted by APTA, in partnership with FTA) | 10/8/2019 | Laura Zale, SEPTA Jordan Holt, WMATA Todd Lang, Baltimore Metropolitan Council Victor Rivas, Jacobs |
Presentation |
Please click here to view materials from older webinars.