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TAM for Tribes

If your agency is an American Indian tribal transportation provider, then you are a Tier II provider. TAM requirements for Tier II providers, including tribes, are the same. However, tribes face different circumstances and community needs that will affect how they meet the basic requirements of the TAM rule.

Given the large variation among tribes in resources, operating environments, and preparedness, below are essential resources for tribal providers to assist in complying with the TAM rule requirements.

Getting Started

Tribal agencies must comply with TAM Plan elements 1-4:

  1. Asset inventory. A register of capital assets and information about those assets
  2. Condition assessment. A rating of the assets' physical state, to be completed for assets an agency has direct capital responsibility for, should be at a level of detail sufficient to monitor and predict performance of inventoried assets
  3. Description of decision support tool. An analytic process or tool that (1) assists in capital asset investment prioritization and/or (2) estimates capital needs over time
  4. Prioritized list of investments. A prioritized list of projects or programs to manage or improve the state of good repair (SGR) of capital assets.

Group Plan Participation

Tribal agencies may develop their own TAM plans or participate in their state Department of Transportation (DOT)’s group TAM plan. If the tribe only receives 5311(c) funds directly through FTA, then the state DOT is not required to solicit the tribe’s participation in its group plan. However, if the tribe requests to participate, then the state DOT must accept the tribe into its group plan.

In addition, a tribe can choose to develop its own plan, or serve as the sponsor of a tribal group plan that includes other tribal agencies of similar interests and experiences. Unlike traditional group plan sponsors, a tribe can both sponsor and participate in the group plan. The group plan sponsor will submit TAM data, including targets, for group plan participants. Tribes completing their own group plan will report their TAM data and targets on their own.

A tribe’s accountable executive may be the tribal councilman, CEO equivalent, or another senior staff member. This accountable executive approves the TAM plan.

The Group Plan Sponsor Workbook provides further detail on identifying participants and developing group TAM plans.


Annual Reporting Requirements

Annual performance targets. You must set targets annually for the performance of your assets and submit those targets to the NTD as part of your annual data submission. Each asset category has its own performance measure by which to set targets:

  • Rolling stock:   % of revenue vehicles exceeding ULB
  • Equipment:      % of nonrevenue service vehicles exceeding ULB
  • Facilities:         % of facilities rated under 3.0 on the TERM scale

NTD asset inventory module (AIM) report. You must develop an inventory of your assets, and you or your group plan sponsor must report the data and other information required to the NTD asset inventory module report annually. Additional data required by NTD includes information used to calculate the TAM metrics.

Narrative report. You or your group plan sponsor must submit an annual narrative report to the National Transit Database that provides a description of any change in the condition of the provider’s transit system from the previous year and describes the progress made during the year to meet the performance targets set in the previous reporting year.

Please see FTA’s 2017 Tribal Transportation Presentation for more information.

Available Resources

Below are some resources that are relevant to small transit systems like many tribal providers. Visit the TAM Resource Table for a full list of available TAM resources, and select the "Tribal" tag to filter. 

Peer Resources

TAM Resources

Funding Information

FTA Tribal Points of Contact

Federal Transit Administration's Regional Tribal Liaisons

Upcoming Events