2016 TAM Roundtable (Sixth State of Good Repair Roundtable)
The sixth FTA State of Good Repair/TAM Roundtable meeting was held in Minneapolis, MN on July 13, 2016. There were 44 participants, representing 27 transit agencies, three state departments of transportation (DOTs), the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), and the American Public Transportation Association (APTA).
The summary of the "round robin" and small group breakout discussions discusses the following high-level themes associated with TAM implementation among the participating agencies:
- Incorporating TAM and SGR concepts into capital planning and activities
- Data collection and management
- Internal coordination
- Executive and leadership support
- Workforce and staffing
- Developing asset inventories
- Condition assessments
- Risk analysis and investment prioritization
- TAM program
- Working with subrecipients
- Facilities
- Transit Asset Management Overview (Mshadoni Smith, FTA)
- Information into Action: Putting the asset information to use (Louis Cripps, RTD Denver)
- Building an Asset Management Organization and Executive Buy-In (Paul Edwards, Utah Transit)
- Disaster Resilience and Transit Asset Management (Adam Schildge, FTA)