Transit Asset Management PLanning Assistance TemplatE
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TAM PLanning Asset TemplatE (TAMPLATE) is provided as a tool to assist Tier I and Tier II transit providers, and Group TAM Plan Sponsors, in developing their TAM Plans according to best practice and in alignment with requirements of FTA’s Final Rule on Transit Asset Management (49 CFR Part 625). This is not a compliance tool and should only be used for technical assistance
This template is a technical assistance resource that is based on a previously provided Excel template. It can be used as a first step to meet MAP-21 compliance or to update existing TAM Plans.
Who Should Use the Template?
The application is designed for any user, but specifically helpful for two demographics: (1) Group TAM Plan Sponsors developing plans for subrecipients, and (2) Tier II transit providers developing their own individual plans. For Group TAM Plan Sponsors developing a TAM plan for subrecipients, the template can be used as a data collection tool to consolidate information from subrecipients to produce a comprehensive plan. For individual Tier II providers, a completed template will give you a TAM plan that can be modified as desired.
Personnel most knowledgeable about your agency’s assets and responsible for implementing internal processes to manage assets (e.g., procurement, maintenance, compliance, etc.) should complete the plan. The completed plan should then be reviewed and approved by your organization’s accountable executive to ensure that the necessary resources are available to carry out the Plan.
How to Use it?
This tool is organized into three (3) sections, Getting Started, Chapters, and the Optional Fleet Replacement Module.
Getting Started
This section requires the basic details of your plan, including agency names and subrecipients, it also identifies several documents that may assist completing your TAM plan, and uploads the relevant NTD data from the most recent published reports for those identified agencies.
This section has five (5) chapters covering the nine (9) elements of a TAM plan. Some data collection forms are optional for Tier II and Group Plan Sponsors who are only required to do a four (4) element TAM plan.
To begin a new blank plan, create a username and password and enter your data in the below chapters.
- Chapter 1 – Introduction
- Chapter 2 - Capital Asset Inventory
- Chapter 3 - Condition Assessment
- Chapter 4 – Decision Support
- Chapter 5 – Investment Prioritization
You may also retrieve previous TAM plans created with your username and password. Please note the server will not save TAM plans from previous NTD report years.
OPTIONAL Fleet Replacement Module
This section assists agencies in analyzing their future vehicle needs by estimating replacement costs and needs, and applying inflation factors to calculate multi-year expenditures.
An important change from the previous Excel version this template is the ability to directly upload the most recent published NTD data directly into the asset inventory. Note that the NTD inventory is a subset of the TAM Plan inventory and you may need to add assets that were not reported to the NTD.
Unique Features of the TAMPLATE
- Upload most recent published NTD Asset Inventory Module (AIM) data directly
- Add/Subtract/Edit inventory
- Print and sign
- Downloadable TAM Plan
- Password protected
Where to go for help
Additional technical assistance resources for transit asset management include your state DOT and FTA regional office. Resources are also available from industry organizations, such as the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), the Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) and the National Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP).
The Federal Transit Administration TAM webpage at www.transit.dot.gov/TAM is a resource of vast knowledge on TAM polices, practices and examples. In addition, you may email the TAM question mailbox at TAM@dot.gov for specific questions relating the concepts of the TAM plan development. Visit the TAM Resource Table for a full list of available TAM resources.
For specific technical issues with the tool please contact DOT IT Services at 202-385-4357 or 1-866-466-5221 or email 5-Help Service Center. A ticket will be created, and the developer should reach out to you within 1-2 business days.