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Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program (PTSCTP)

On August 14, 2024, FTA published the final updates to the Public Transportation Safety Certification Program (PTSCTP) regulation. The updates refine the PTSCTP communication process, add administrative requirements and clarify voluntary PTSCTP participation and recertification training requirements. The regulation maintains the existing minimum training requirements for State Safety Oversight Agencies (SSOA) personnel and employees and contractors who are directly responsible for the safety oversight of a rail fixed guideway public transportation system. 

FTA incorporated feedback from a variety of stakeholders and has implemented updates to the final safety rule, including:  

  • Requiring State Safety Oversight Agencies (SSOA) and rail transit agencies to establish a point of contact for communication with FTA. The points of contact must provide semiannual reporting to FTA regarding the status of their participants and their agency-defined recertification training requirements.   
  • Clarifying voluntary participation in the PTSCTP, including that voluntary participants are not required to complete recertification requirements to maintain their voluntary certification.   
  • Adding a recertification element defined by FTA.   
  • Removing Appendix A to allow flexibility in PTSCTP curriculum revision.   
  • Updating definitions to provide clarification on existing requirements and adding definitions to provide consistency with other FTA programs and rulemaking.    
  • Determining that mandatory PTSCTP participation will not extend to bus transit agencies and personnel.   

Individual Training Plan (ITP) Tracks

The PTSCTP has three different ITP tracks. The different ITP tracks are stated below:

Individuals enrolled in the PTSCTP have an FTA-approved ITP in one or more of the ITP tracks.  Each track has a specific curriculum a participant must complete.

How to Enroll

To enroll in the PTSCTP and obtain an Individual Training Plan (ITP), email your request to the FTA Safety Promotion Team at  Include the following information in your email:

  • The agency you work for
  • Job title/your role within that agency
  • Your phone number
  • ITP track you are requesting

The Individual Training Plan specifies the minimum training requirements an individual must complete to satisfy the PTSCTP requirements.

FTA reviews and approves all ITP requests.  TSI will track and issue your certificate of completion within 30 days of your last class.  All previously completed PTSCTP courses delivered by TSI will count towards those listed in your ITP.



Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program Frequently Asked Questions

These frequently asked questions (FAQs) cover the Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program (PTSCTP) regulation at 49 CFR part 672. The PTSCTP regulation establishes minimum safety training requirements for State Safety Oversight Agency (SSOA) employees and contractors who conduct reviews, inspections, examinations and other safety oversight activities of public transportation systems and employees and contractors who are directly responsible for the safety oversight of a rail fixed guideway public transportation system. These FAQs include new PTSCTP regulation requirements included in the PTSCTP final rule published on August 14, 2024 (effective November 1, 2024). Please direct any questions to

Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Webinar  
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Presentation | Recording

Final Rule Requirements

The Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program Final Rule (PTSCTP regulation) establishes a uniform curriculum for safety training that consists of minimum requirements to enhance the technical proficiency of rail transit safety personnel. It replaces interim requirements in effect since May 2015. The final rule became effective on August 20, 2018.

The new rule (49 CFR Part 672) implements FTA’s statutory requirements at 49 U.S.C. § 5329(c). The Training Rule sets forth federal requirements for the certification and training of State Safety Oversight Agency (SSOA) personnel and contractors who conduct safety audits and examinations of rail transit systems, rail transit agency (RTA) personnel, and contractors who are directly responsible for safety oversight.

The Training Rule replaces the Interim Safety Certification Training Program Provisions effective May 28, 2015. FTA encourages other safety personnel to voluntarily participate in the safety certification training program, including bus safety personnel.

Safety Rule Overview Webinars

FTA Final Safety Rules Overview Webinar 1

FTA Final Safety Rules Overview Webinar 2L

Training Rule Webinars

Past Webinars

Training Rule Webinar 1

Training Rule Webinar 2

Training Rule Webinar 3

Updates to FTA’s Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program