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FY21 Enhancing Mobility Innovation Projects

State Project Sponsor Project Description Funding
CA Metropolitan Transportation Commission The Metropolitan Transportation Commission in San Francisco, will receive funding to develop a new software application that facilitates end-to-end demand responsive transit trip planning and reservations so users can request, confirm, and pay for a trip that encompasses multiple service providers across jurisdictions, and service providers can confirm and coordinate trip segments. $500,000
CA City of Richmond The City of Richmond will receive funding to initiate a pilot program that will allow the city to collaborate coordinate microtransit and paratransit riders into shared journeys using a single fleet. The proposed project aims to provide microtransit and paratransit customers with lower wait times, on-time pickups, and quick, convenient trips while reducing the average cost per trip to the City of Richmond. $250,000
CA City of Santa Monica's Big Blue Bus The City of Santa Monica's Big Blue Bus will receive $330,432 in funding to partner with Transit app to develop a new digital survey, that will allow its customers to provide quick and easy anonymous feedback to the agency before, during, and at the end of their trip, coupled with real-time travel data from the existing app. The project can help agencies connect with transit users and provide a new approach for agencies to capture riders' needs in real-time and develop operational strategies, such as tailored incentives for riders. $330,432
DC Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments will receive funding to initiate a new Vanpool Microtransit pilot program to provide additional mobility solutions throughout the greater metropolitan region. The pilot program aims to leverage its existing software application system with employers in the region to connect potential riders with more flexible and convenient vanpool options, especially in transit scarce parts of the region. $250,000
MD University of Maryland-College Park The University of Maryland-College Park will receive funding to develop a software application for transit agencies to generate tradable credits from emission reductions and social equity improvements. These emission and equity credits will be integrated into a mobile app that uses real-time data to determine their credits and value. The project will incentivize individuals to use mass transit and ultimately provide transit agencies additional revenue through partnerships and innovative financing practices. $800,000
NY Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority The Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority will receive funding to improve mobility and enhance the rider experience, and explore data-driven solutions to bolster riders' access to equitable transit fare programs with a focus on innovative service delivery models, creative financing, novel partnerships, and integrated payment solutions. The proposed project will look to connect to states' databases run by social programs to drive automated enrollment into low-income fare programs utilizing new data tools to streamline and simplify access to these transit programs. $283,219
OH NEORide NEOride, a designated Council of Government (COG) representing 18 mass transit agencies in Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan and Arkansas, will receive funding to develop software solutions that facilitates integrated demand-response public transportation. The project will test a solution to enable real-time open data exchange for demand response software using Transactional Data Standard (TDS). The demonstration will enable various client management and scheduling software to share customer profile and eligibility information, trip requests and booking confirmations, provider and vehicle information, and trip performance status. $338,600
OR Mobility Data, Inc. MobilityData will receive funding to initiate a pilot program to finetune data by scaling the identification of data quality issues and sharing improved datasets. The result would be when an individual data consumer contacts a data producer to get a higher quality dataset, automatic validation in the data catalog would simultaneously alert all producers and consumers, enabling more widely available access to accurate, and timely transit data for all kinds of applications. $798,000
TX Plano NTT Data Inc., based in Plano, TX, in collaboration with Collier Area Transit in Collier County, FL, will receive funding to demonstrate a transit data twin, which will provide real-time occupancy, operations, and efficiency information as well as provide prediction and transit simulation capabilities. $500,000