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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Bus Testing Program

A bus undergoing testing at the Bus Testing Center.


What's New

  • FTA held a virtual listening session to solicit stakeholder comments and suggestions on its Bus Testing Program on September 8, 2022.


This page provides information to help grantees and transit vehicle manufacturers comply with the requirements of, and benefit from the information provided by, the FTA Bus Testing Program. 

FTA will announce interpretations, clarifications, and changes in policies and requirements on this Bus Testing Program website as they occur, so please subscribe to email updates and review the information on this site before:

  • acquiring buses with FTA grant funds
  • seeking a determination of bus testing requirements
  • submitting a bus model for testing

Before recipients of FTA grant funding can release that funding to acquire a bus model, they must have a copy of the FTA bus testing report(s) that applies to that bus model to ensure the bus has satisfied FTA bus testing requirements described in the pages linked below.

Variations of previously tested bus models that are produced with major changes may be covered by a combination of a partial bus testing report covering the data that would be expected to be different as a result of the changes, and a full bus testing report to provide the unaffected data carried over from the original baseline model.

There are often significant differences in the performance, durability, and reliability of different bus models. Carefully reviewing bus testing reports not just for the bus model(s) under consideration, but also for other buses built by the same manufacturer, and similar buses built by other manufacturers can help grantees select the best bus for their needs and minimize future problems.

Essential Bus Testing Information

Additional Bus Testing Information

General Bus Testing Information


FTA dedicates the bus testing rule to the memory of our departed colleague, Gregory Rymarz, whose vision, energy and intelligence were instrumental in its creation.