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Fiscal Year 2016 Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Program Projects


Project Sponsor Description Funding
AZ Regional Transportation Authority of Pima County The Regional Transportation Authority of Pima County will receive funding for the Adaptive Mobility with Reliability and Efficiency project, integrating fixed route, subscription based ride-sharing and social carpooling services into an existing data platform to provide affordable, convenient and flexible service. The project augments transit by addressing first mile/ last mile issues and congestion mitigation by incorporating shared ride-on-demand services, integrated open payment systems and advanced traveler information systems.  $669,158
AZ Valley Metro Rail, Inc. Valley Metro Rail of Phoenix will receive funding for a smart phone mobility platform that integrates mobile ticketing and multimodal trip planning. The network will include a range of mobility providers, including ride-hailing, bike sharing, and car-sharing companies, allowing all levels of income, age  and people with disabilities to have access to an integrated, connected multimodal transportation system. $1,001,000
CA City of Palo Alto The City of Palo Alto will receive funding for the Bay Area Fair Value Commuting Demonstration project, which aims to reduce single-occupant vehicle driving from 75% to 50% in the Bay Area. The project includes commuter trip reduction software, a mobility aggregation multimodal trip planning app, workplace parking rebates and analytics to compare commutes.   $1,085,000
(& WA)
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority will receive funding for a two-region mobility on demand partnership with the car-sharing company, Lyft*, in Los Angeles and Seattle. The project will explore the viability of first/last mile solutions for trips originating and ending at select transit stops. Customers can use the Lyft* app or call a dispatcher phone number, providing equity to lower income individuals.

*Partnership changed from Lyft to Via since announcement
CA San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) will receive funding for an integrated carpool to transit program that will help users find carpool matches as well as match them to their transit destinations. The project will provide a seamless way to reserve and pay for in-demand parking spaces at BART stations, allow preferential parking for carpoolers while increasing transit ridership by improving access to BART stations. The software will include ways to identify drivers with wheelchair-accessible vehicles.


FL Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority The Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority will receive funding for the Paratransit Mobility on Demand Demonstration, a set of partnerships with a taxi company, a paratransit service and a car-sharing company to develop a model to provide more cost-effective on-demand door-to-door paratransit service. The project will feature a central dispatch software that provides users with a selection of transportation service providers based on an estimated time of pickup, available payment types, and physical limitations.  $500,000
IL Chicago Transit Authority Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) will receive funding for a project that will incorporate the local bike sharing company, Divvy, a 580 station bike share service, into CTA's existing transit trip planning app so users can identify the availability of bikes or docking stations near their transit stops, and pay for bike rentals. $400,000
OR Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (TriMet) will receive funding for an Open Trip Planner Share Use Mobility project that will create a platform integrating transit and shared-use mobility options. TriMet will build on its existing trip planning app to incorporate shared use mobility options and more sophisticated functionality and interfaces, including data sharing for shared-use mobility providers. By integrating data, the project will allow users to plan trips that address first/last mile issues while traveling by transit. $678,000
TX Dallas Area Rapid Transit Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) will receive funding for a project that integrates ride-sharing services into its GoPass ticketing app to solve first and last mile issues. This project will combine traveler applications to create an integrated, multimodal application that leverages ride-sharing services. The project will  improve ease of access to DART stations, particularly in non-walkable areas not well served by transit.  $1,204,000
VT Vermont Agency of Transportation The Vermont Agency of Transportation will receive funding for a statewide transit trip planner that will enable flex-route, hail-a-ride, and other non-fixed-route services to be incorporated in mobility apps. The online trip planner for both fixed and flexible transit services  particularly benefits non-traditional rural transit system users, allowing universal access to transit information, including to people with disabilities.  $480,000
WA Pierce County Public Transportation Benefit Area Corporation The Pierce County Public Transportation Benefit Area Corporation will receive funding for the Limited Access Connections project, an initiative connecting Pierce Transit local service, Sound Transit/Sounder regional service, and local ride-share companies in order to increase regional transit use. By providing first/last mile service in and between traditional zones, guaranteed rides home, and rides to park-and-ride lots, the project will extend service hours and provide access to transit for riders who have limited transit options. $205,922

Funding Total: $7,931,080