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ARRA Dashboard


The tables and graphics in this dashboard will promote transparency and accountability and provide information on FTA's progress in obligating and disbursing funds to grant recipients as well as the extent to which funds have been committed and expended by the recipients. The charts provide a detailed breakdown of the types of public transportation projects funded by the Recovery Act, the status of these projects' implementation, and number and types of jobs created or sustained.

The enclosed information comes from the most current available data and will be updated as new data becomes available on a quarterly basis or more frequently as necessary.

Jobs Created or Retained since the Inception of ARRA: 10,322

The information on this page has been updated to reflect ARRA activity beginning with the enactment of the American Reinvestment & Recovery Act in February, 2009 and continuing through October 30, 2012. For more detailed information or more recent information, please contact the FTA Office of Transit Programs at (202) 366-2053.

Information on the table at the following link contains all the reports submitted, condensed, by FTA grant recipients as part of their Section 1512 reporting requirement starting from the first reports submitted.

Summary of ARRA Grants Awarded as of September 30, 2010

The table below displays the number of ARRA grants awarded by FTA as of September 30, 2010 and the amount of funds obligated in each program.

FundingARRA ProgramAwarded GrantsObligations
FHWA TransfersSurface Transportation Program Funds Flexed to Non-Urbanized Areas9$57,787,310
Surface Transportation Program Funds Flexed to Urbanized Areas80$385,243,106
FHWA Transfers Total89$443,030,416
FTA AllocationsNew Starts11$742,500,000
Transit Capital Investment—Fixed Guideway Infrastructure Improvement51$742,500,000
Transit Investments in Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction (TIGGER)43$100,000,000
Transit Capital Assistance, Non-Urbanized Area Formula99$745,510,038
Tribal Transit Program39$17,000,000
Transit Capital Assistance, Urbanized Area Formula740$5,988,189,962
FTA Allocations Total983$8,335,700,000
Grand Total1072$8,778,730,416