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The chart below displays the ARRA programs administed by FTA and the amount of funds in each program.

The pie chart displays the ARRA programs administed by FTA and the amount of funds in each program. Transit Capital Assistance - Urbanized Area Formula Program: 67 Percent, Transit Capital Assistance - nonurbanized Area Formula Program: 9 Percent, Transit Captial Investment - New Starts: 9 Percent, Transit Captial Investment - Fixed Guideway Modernization: 8 Percent, Transit Investment in Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction (TIGGER): 1 Percent and Transit Capital Assistance - tribal Transit Program: 1 Percent.

Table does not include ARRA funds transferred from FHWA to FTA Accounts

Source: Federal Register notice of March 5, 2009 (Volume 74, Number 42)

Program NameAmount of Funds Allocated
Transit Capital Assistance--Urbanized Area Formula Program$5,967,852,039
Transit Capital Assistance--Nonurbanized Area Formula Program$765,847,961
Transit Capital Investment--New Starts$742,500,000
Transit Capital Investment--Fixed Guideway Infrastructure Improvement$742,500,000
Transit Investment in Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction (TIGGER)$100,000,000
Transit Capital Assistance--Tribal Transit Program$17,000,000