ARRA Reports
Updated ARRA Reporting Technical Assistance Documents:
- 1512 Reporting Tips (MS Word)
- Revised Recipient Reporting Data Model (MS Word)
- ARRA 1201c Reporting Fields for FTA Grantees (MS Word)
- Questions and Answers for 2012 1201c Reporting (MS Word)
- January 2012 1512 and 1201c reporting webinars (PowerPoint)
1512 Technical Assistance Resources:
- Section 1512 – Training for First Time Reporters (PowerPoint)
- OMB Reference Guide on Copying Forward Reports (PDF)
- edit checks (data quality edits begin on page 25) (PDF)
- OMB Enhancements to the April 2010 Reporting (PowerPoint)
- Dear Colleague Letter from Administrator Rogoff on 1512 Reporting (PDF)
- Section 1512 Reporting Tips for FTA Contractors (MS Word)
- Section 1512 Reporting-Consequences of Non-Compliance (MS Word)
- Examples of Public Transportation Narratives from GAO Report GAO-10-581 (PDF)
Section 1201(c) Reporting
U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) grant recipients that had received funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) through 7/31/09 were required to submit a report on progress implementing their grants pursuant to the requirements of Section 1201(c) of the Recovery Act. FTA grantees submitted their reports in August 2009 and U.S. DOT consolidated the data into a report transmitted to Congress in September 2009.
A table of FTA's 1201(c) Reports for the period ending July 31, 2009 as transmitted to Congress. (Excel) The file also includes a Reference tab with a link to Section 1201(c) Reporting instructions.
A table of FTA's 1201(c) Reports for the period ending January 31, 2010, as transmitted to Congress. (Excel) The file also includes a Reference tab with a link to Section 1201(c) Reporting instructions.
Section 1512 Reporting
All recipients of ARRA grant funding are required to submit quarterly reports on progress implementing their grants pursuant to the requirements of Section 1512 of the Recovery Act. Recipients submit reports through, a central government wide reporting portal provided by the Recovery Act Accountability and Transparency Board, in coordination with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Section 1512 report information can be found at FTA has formatted data from the reports submitted by FTA recipients for your convenience.
- October 2009 (Excel). A table of Section 1512 reports submitted by FTA grant recipients in October, 2009 and Section 1512 references.
- January 2010 (Excel). A table of Section 1512 reports submitted by FTA grant recipients in January, 2010 and Section 1512 references.
- April 2010. Three tables of information from the Section 1512 reports submitted by FTA grant recipients in April, 2010. The tables include prime recipient data, sub-recipient data, vendor information, and links to Section 1512 reporting instructions that help explain the data.
- July 2010. Three tables of information from the Section 1512 reports submitted by FTA grant recipients in July, 2010. The tables include prime recipient data, sub-recipient data, vendor information, and links to Section 1512 reporting instructions that help explain the data.
- October 2010. Three tables of information from the Section 1512 reports submitted by FTA grant recipients in October, 2010. The tables include prime recipient data, sub-recipient data, vendor information, and links to Section 1512 reporting instructions that help explain the data.
- January 2011. Three tables of information from the Section 1512 reports submitted by FTA grant recipients in January, 2011. The tables include prime recipient data, sub-recipient data, vendor information, and links to Section 1512 reporting instructions that help explain the data.
- April 2011. Three tables of information from the Section 1512 reports submitted by FTA grant recipients in April, 2011. The tables include prime recipient data, sub-recipient data, vendor information, and links to Section 1512 reporting instructions that help explain the data.
- July 2011. Three tables of information from the Section 1512 reports submitted by FTA grant recipients in July, 2011. The tables include prime recipient data, sub-recipient data, vendor information, and links to Section 1512 reporting instructions that help explain the data.
- October 2011. Three tables of information from the Section 1512 reports submitted by FTA grant recipients in October, 2011. The tables include prime recipient data, sub-recipient data, vendor information, and links to Section 1512 reporting instructions that help explain the data.
- January 2012. Three tables of information from the Section 1512 reports submitted by FTA grant recipients in January, 2012. The tables include prime recipient data, sub-recipient data, vendor information, and links to Section 1512 reporting instructions that help explain the data.
- April 2012. Three tables of information from the Section 1512 reports submitted by FTA grant recipients in April, 2012. The tables include prime recipient data, sub-recipient data, vendor information, and links to Section 1512 reporting instructions that help explain the data.
- July 2012. Three tables of information from the Section 1512 reports submitted by FTA grant recipients in July, 2012. The tables include prime recipient data, sub-recipient data, vendor information, and links to Section 1512 reporting instructions that help explain the data.
- October 2012. Three tables of information from the Section 1512 reports submitted by FTA grant recipients in October, 2012. The tables include prime recipient data, sub-recipient data, vendor information, and links to Section 1512 reporting instructions that help explain the data.
1201(c) - Periodic Grantee Reports
- Report Due Dates – these are for the cumulative period as of end of month preceding due date:
- May 18, 2009 (for period ending April 30, 2009)
- August 16, 2009
- February 17, 2010
- February 17, 2011
- February 17, 2012
- Report Requirements
- FTA grantees only required to report if they have received an ARRA grant before the end of the reporting period.
- Grantee reports aggregate data for each ARRA grant received as of the end of the quarter: expenditures; numbers of procurements at various stages of implementation (out to bid, under contract, underway, completed) and ARRA dollars associated with those procurements; direct jobs created or maintained by the all projects and activities funded by the grant; State funding planned and received for projects eligible under the FTA program the grant was awarded under.
- Grantees report hours for direct on-site jobs only; DOT will calculate indirect and induced jobs.
- FTA will not require monthly contractor jobs report form used by FHWA.
1512(c) Report - Quarterly Grantee Reports
- Report Due Date
- April 10, 2010 (for period ending March 31, 2010)
- The 10th day of each calendar quarter until the ARRA grant is completed.
- Report Requirements
- Government-wide ARRA requirement
- OMB provides centralized web-based portal for grantees to enter reports directly at
- Grantees MUST REGISTER at
- Requires grantee to report detailed information for each ARRA grant about direct recipient and subrecipients; information about projects funded by the grant, including reports of direct jobs created and maintained; and basic information about vendors receiving more than $25,000 threshold from direct recipient or subrecipient.
- Direct recipient and first tier sub recipients must have Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. Direct recipient must also register with Central Contractor Registration (CCR). If direct recipient delegates reporting function to subrecipients, those subrecipients must also register with CCR [see procurement FAQs for DUNS and CCR how-to information].
- OMB Reporting Guidance
- OMB issued initial guidance for Recipient Reporting (PDF) on June 22, 2009.
- OMB issued new guidance (PDF) on December 18, 2009 updating Part 5 of the Recipient Reporting Guidance issued on June 22.
- OMB released FAQ's clarifying the December 18 and previous recipient reporting guidance.
- Updated technical FAQ's about recipient reporting can be found on FederalReporting.Gov.
- Other OMB Guidance
OMB issued guidance to Federal agencies on key ARRA implementation issues, including reporting.- M-10-34, Guidance on Section 1512 Reporting (PDF)
- M-10-14, Updated Guidance (PDF) on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
- M-10-08, Updated Guidance (PDF) on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – Data Quality, Non-Reporting Recipients, and Reporting of Job Estimates
- M-10-05, Improving Compliance (PDF) in Recovery Act Recipient Reporting
- M-10-03, Payments (PDF) to State Grantees for their Administrative Costs for Recovery Act Funding – Alternative Allocation Methodologies
- M-09-30, Improving Recovery Act Recipient Reporting (PDF)
- M-09-24, Updated Guidance (PDF) Regarding Communications with Registered Lobbyists About Recovery Act Funds
- M-09-21, Implementing Guidance (PDF) for the Reports on Use of Funds Pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
- M-09-18, Payments (PDF) to State Grantees for Administrative Costs of Recovery Act Activities
- M-09-16, Interim Guidance (PDF) Regarding Communications With Registered Lobbyists About Recovery Act Funds
- M-09-15, Updated Implementing Guidance (PDF) for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
- M-09-14, Recovery Act Implementation (PDF) – Improving and Other Critical Systems
- M-09-10, Initial Implementing Guidance (PDF) for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009