TARTA ADA Compliance Review - November 28, 2011
Location: Toledo, OH
Date of Final Report: November 28, 2011
Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) Stop Announcement/Route Identification Transmittal Letter
Mr. James Gee
General Manager
Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority
1127 West Central Ave
P.O. Box 792
Toledo, OH 43697
Re: ADA Fixed Route Stop Announcements and Route Identification Compliance Review Final Report
Dear Mr. Gee:
Thank you for your responses to the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) findings during the Americans with Disabilities Act of I 990 (ADA) Fixed Route Stop Announcements and Route Identification Compliance Review conducted at the Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TART A) from June I 5-18, 2009. During the review, you were informed that FT A would issue a draft report of the findings, on which TART A would have an opportunity to provide comment, following which a final report would be released.
Since your letter of February 2, 201 l had no corrections to the Draft Report, this report is now considered a Final Report and a copy so marked is enclosed for your records. As of the date of this letter the Final Report became a public document and is subject to dissemination under the Freedom of Information Act of 1974.
FTA recognizes that it has been nearly three years since our onsite review and that changes have likely occurred in TART A's fixed route system. We appreciate the eff01ts that TART A has already taken to correct the deficiencies identified. A corrective action plan has been implemented and you have worked diligently to comply with ADA regulations. We appreciate the cooperation and assistance that you and your staff have provided us during this review.
Should you have any questions about the enclosed report or this letter, please contact Ms. Britney Berry, at (202) 366-1065 or via e-mail at britney.berry@dot.gov.
John R. Day
ADA Team Leader
FTA Office of Civil Rights
cc: Selene Faer Dalton-Kumins, Deputy Director, FTA Office of Civil Rights
Yvette G. Taylor- Regional Administrator, FTA Region IV
Jimmy Moore, Regional Civil Rights Officer, FTA Region IV
Abigail Rivera, Regional Civil Rights Officer, FT A Region IV
David Chia, Planners Collaborative