FAX ADA Compliance Review - June 7, 2012
Location: Fresno, CA
Date of Final Report: June 7, 2012
Fresno Area Express (FAX) Transmittal Letter
June 7, 2012
Dear Mr. Hamm:
This letter concerns the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) ADA Complementary Paratransit Service Review of the Fresno Area Express' (FAX) Handy Ride service, which was performed from December 10-13, 2007. FT A would like to thank you and your staff for the cooperation provided during the review and for your response to the draft report dated May 23, 2012. Enclosed is a copy of the Final Report which will be posted on FTA's website on our ADA page.
We appreciated the opportunity to speak with Greg Eisner on May 29, 2012 regarding FAX's response to the draft, which is incorporated in the enclosed attachments. We also appreciate FAX informing us that staff is currently writing a new Request for Proposals (RFP) for Handy Ride service with a new contract to begin December 18, 20 12. With that process in mind, we ask FAX to provide a written response listing its proposed corrective actions and implementation dates to address the specific findings in the report. After reviewing FAX's proposed corrective action plan, FTA will work with FAX to establish specific milestones and timelines that FTA will use to monitor FAX's progress, with the goal of resolving as many of the findings as expeditiously as possible.
Please provide FAX's corrective action plan electronically within 30 days of the date of this letter to Ms. Susan Clark, Equal Opportunity Specialist, via email at sue.clark@dot.gov, with a copy to Mr. Derrin Jourdan, FTA Region 9 Civil Rights Officer, at derrin.jourdan@dot.gov. We look forward to working with you.
John R. Day ADA Team Leader FTA Office of Civil Rights
cc: Leslie Rogers- Regional Administrator, FTA Region 9
Derrin Jourdan, Regional Civil Rights Officer, FTA Region 9
Greg Eisner, FAX
Ashley Swearengin, Mayor (copy enclosed)
Fresno City Hall
2600 Fresno Street, Rm. 2075
Fresno, CA 93721