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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

FY2023-2024 Innovative Coordinated Access & Mobility Project Selections

State Project Sponsor Project Description Funding
CA Paratransit, Inc. Paratransit, Inc., in Sacramento, CA, will receive funding to make dispatching technology investments focused on real-time coordination and efficient routing, that will improve service delivery. This project will expand a digital platform for enhancing service coordination, data-gathering, and operational efficiencies for mobility services offered to older adults, persons with disabilities, and community members that experience severe mobility barriers throughout Sacramento County. $134,400
IA Horizons, A Family Service Alliance Horizons in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, will receive funding to buy vehicles equipped with on-demand software and integrate ride booking portal systems across its service area. The modernized system will ensure safe, affordable, on-demand transportation for people in need of transportation services when fixed-route transit is not available. $357,868
IA Iowa Department of Transportation The Iowa Department of Transportation on behalf of Heart of Iowa Regional Transit Authority will receive funding to upgrade its on-demand scheduling software, buy hybrid-electric vehicles, and hire a mobility manager. The project will ensure continued mobility for older adults and riders with disabilities who utilize HIRTA services in Boone, Dallas, Jasper, Madison, Marion, Story and Warren counties in central Iowa. $441,096
IL Illinois Department of Transportation The Illinois Department of Transportation will receive funding to design and implement an integrated technology system for trip scheduling and fare collection that will facilitate non-emergency medical transportation trips and interagency passenger transfers. The program will integrate technology enhancements to improve mobility for people in more than 20 rural counties in southern Illinois through Shawnee Mass Transit, Rides Mass Transit, South Central Mass Transit, and Monroe Randolph Mass Transit. $1,824,640
LA Rapides Area Planning Commission The Rapides Area Planning Commission in central Louisiana will receive funding to address socio-economic and mobility issues in the region by building a centrally located maintenance and training facility. The facility will be used by six rural transit providers and 13 providers of transportation for older adults and people with disabilities, enhancing the coordinated delivery of service across a multi-parish service area. $384,000
MA Massachusetts Department of Transportation The Massachusetts Department of Transportation will receive funding to test a statewide mobility management program with agencies that lead and manage statewide aging and disability programs. The pilot program will improve the accessibility, efficiency and availability of transportation services for resident, with a focus on older adults, people with disabilities and people of low income. $360,800
ME Maine Department of Transportation The Maine Department of Transportation, on behalf of Maine Community Action Corp, will receive funding to establish a mobility management hub with a full-time mobility manager to facilitate coordination and provide technical assistance to develop a one-call, one-click service. The group also will launch a regional mobility network. $436,000
MI Michigan Department of Transportation The Michigan Department of Transportation, in cooperation with the Michigan Transportation Connection, Inc., will receive funding to buy hybrid electric vehicles and charging stations in Delta, Ionia, Benzie, Clare and Mason counties to expand rides to wellness coordinated transportation for non-emergency medical purposes. $480,000
NM Capacity Builders Inc. Capacity Builders, a nonprofit organization in Farmington, New Mexico, will receive funding to buy new vehicles to expand coordinated transportation services for low-income individuals, older adults, and people with disabilities mainly in San Juan and McKinley counties. The regional mobility pilot project will enable comprehensive community access through coordination and centralized management of resources, including access to non-emergency medical transportation. $184,670
NV Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribe The Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribe, located in Northwestern Nevada, will receive funding to purchase an ADA-compliant passenger van that will increase the capacity and reliability of the existing coordinated transportation service provided by the Tribe. The Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribal Transit Program partners with the Fallon Tribal Health Center to provide non-emergency medical transportation, and the purchase of this vehicle will strengthen that partnership and partnerships with other human service agencies in the region, by enabling more service to be provided. $73,600
OK Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority The Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority (EMBARK) will receive funding to support the expansion of the existing coordinated transportation services through the purchase of two vehicles and associated vehicle technology systems. This project will meet the growing transportation demand for older adults, people with disabilities, low-income and transit-dependent populations with improved access to social services, education programs, workforce development programs, non-emergency medical treatment, and wellness and nutrition services throughout Oklahoma City. $415,900
PA Pennsylvania Department of Transportation The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation will receive funding to enhance its Find My Ride program, a web-based platform system designed to serve as a one stop shop for human services transportation in the state. The project incorporate mobility management tools and integrate the current system with the statewide PA 211 system. $925,000
SD Community Coordinated Transportation Systems (River Cities Public Transit) The Community Coordinated Transportation Systems (River Cities Public Transit) in South Dakota will receive funding to buy three vehicles to expand the availability of medical transportation services to older adults, people with disabilities, and the general public. This project will improve service and reliability for residents in Martin (Pine Ridge Indian Reservation), Philip, and Eagle Butte (Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Reservation). $281,760
SD West River Transit Authority, Inc (Prairie Hills Transit) The West River Transit Authority, (Prairie Hills Transit) in South Dakota, will receive funding to buy a contactless payment technology system that will enhance safety, improve reliability and the rider experience and make transit more accessible to residents in the Black Hills region. A trip planning mobile app and website will help facilitate intercounty connections and regional service by linking riders with providers for trips across multiple service areas. The platform will improve coordination of services for veteran service organizations, education institutions, healthcare facilities, women and homeless shelters, home healthcare organizations, and workforce centers. $269,280
TX Concho Valley Transit District The Concho Valley Transit District, which serves San Angelo and 12 rural counties in west Texas, will receive funding to invest in technology to enhance paratransit scheduling systems and establish a travel training network to familiarize vulnerable populations with transportation services. The software will incorporate automated translation services to ensure information accessibility for individuals from diverse linguistic backgrounds and those with hearing impairments. Project leaders also will create a travel training videos for older adults, people with disabilities, and low-income populations. $166,700
UT Bear River Association of Governments The Bear River Association of Governments, which serves several counties in northern Utah, will receive funding to buy software to improve efficiency, sustainability, and safety for organizations providing transportation to underserved populations and fill transportation gaps in the region. The coordination of services enabled by the software will allow riders to get to healthcare, community services, education, and jobs. $578,400
WA Hopelink Hopelink, a nonprofit community action agency serving Washington's King and Snohomish counties, will receive funding to buy software to significantly improve the user experience for riders seeking specialized transportation services to key destinations, such as medical facilities and social activities in the Puget Sound area. This project is part of a multi-phased approach to and accessible and inclusive one call/one click system. $519,496

Total Funds: