Resources for Module 1: FTA Programs, Processes, and Resources
Best Practices Procurement & Lessons Learned Manual
This manual provides FTA recipients with detailed information about third-party procurement requirements to help improve internal processes and avoid pitfalls. The manual covers the entire procurement cycle: (1) planning, (2) selection of type of contracting method, (3) evaluation of proposals and contract award, and (4) contract administration.
Buy America Handbook
This handbook assists recipients in understanding and correctly applying FTA’s pre-award and post-delivery audit requirements for rolling stock vehicle purchases.
Calculating, Documenting, and Charging Operating Expenses Webinars
These webinars explain eligible operating expenses, how to calculate FTA operating assistance, examined appropriate documentation of operating expenses and Electronic Clearing House draws, and describe recommended actions if an error is made in calculating operating assistance. Both the webinar recording and the slides are available through this link.
Disclosure of Lobbying Activities
This disclosure is an electronic version of the Standard Form LLL, which FTA recipients are required to complete and submit to FTA when they use local funds to lobby for federal transit purposes. Federal regulations prohibit recipients from using federal funds for lobbying activities.
Federal Financial Report Guidance
This guidance provides instructions on how to complete Federal Financial Reports when there is an amendment to de-obligate funds, report over-match, and handle special condition amounts.
Fiscal Year 2023 Contractor Manual for Triennial and State Management Reviews
The FY23 Comprehensive Review Contractor’s Manual conveys FTA’s expectations of our oversight contractors for assessing compliance of FTA recipients.
Sample Completed Operating Expenses Worksheet
This worksheet was presented during FTA’s Calculating, Documenting, and Charging Operating Expenses Webinar, and may be found in FTA C. 9030.1E – Appendix C. This is an example of a completed worksheet.
Sample ECHO Draw Documentation
This sample documentation was presented during FTA’s Calculating, Documenting, and Charging Operating Expenses Webinar, and was provided by an FTA recipient to be used as an example.
National Cooperative Highway Research Program
NCHRP 20-65 Task 45 New Small Urbanization Area System: A Guidance Brief
Addresses issues that are likely to be encountered in starting transit service or implementing urban transit service.
National Rural Transit Assistance Program
Boards that Perform
This training module examines ten key roles and responsibilities for board members and provides guidance for holding effective board meetings, developing committee and advisory group structures, and dividing responsibilities between board members and staff.
National RTAP Webinar: Advanced Topics in Financial Management and Cost Allocation Tools
This webinar was sponsored by FTA in partnership with National Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP). This webinar addressed service-based cost allocation plans and issues surrounding pricing and operating sponsored service. The webinar also explained National RTAP’s Cost Allocation Calculator. View the Advanced Topics in Financial Management and Cost Allocation Tools You Can Use! webinar slides.
National Rural Transit Assistance Program's FTA 101: An Introduction to the Federal Transit Administration
This training module provides new public transportation professionals a general overview of the FTA. It introduces key FTA terms and acronyms that are important to the federal relationship with the transit industry. This module is intended to be a starting point in learning about the FTA.
National Rural Transit Assistance Program/National Center for Mobility Management Cost Allocation
This webinar was sponsored by FTA in partnership with the National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM) and National RTAP. This webinar explains different types of cost allocation methodologies and provided tools for developing a cost allocation plan. View the Cost Allocation webinar presentation webinar slides and the Q&A from the webinar.
Transit Acronym Dictionary
This dictionary provides a compiled a list of transit acronyms and their definitions, including government agencies, industry-wide organizations, and legislation and commonly used phrases in the transit industry.