Procurement E-Learning Courses
Procurement System Review Program Training Module: Cost and Price Analysis
This e-learning course will provide recipients with an understanding of the fundamentals and best practices for procurement cost and price analysis as required by 2 CFR 200, the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), and other federal third-party contracting requirements. After taking this e-Learning course, recipients will be able to define price and cost analysis; discuss key regulations and guidance pertaining to cost and price analysis; describe the importance of conducting an independent cost estimate; outline the process of completing an independent cost estimate; describe the steps of a price analysis versus a cost analysis; describe how to document cost analysis and negotiations; and finally, compare types of contracts. This e-Learning course should be helpful in mitigating procurement findings during State Management and Triennial Reviews.
Procurement - Independent Cost Estimates e-Learning Course
This e-learning course will provide recipients with an understanding of the mandatory procurement requirements related to conducting an independent cost estimate (ICE). An ICE is the starting point for conducting a cost or price analysis and is required for all procurements exceeding $250,000, the current Federal Simplified Acquisition Threshold, including change orders and contract modifications. Estimates are prepared independently from vendor price offers (i.e., without the influence of persons who have a financial interest in, or will be considered for, the resulting award). The lessons from this e-Learning course will be helpful in mitigating procurement findings during State Management and Triennial Reviews.