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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

STOPS - General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Data


STOPS uses GTFS data to represent the transit services available in the project corridor. The GTFS data are an automated version of a transit operator’s timetable. The GTFS format is used by many transit agencies to communicate their schedules to on-line mapping programs and smartphone/tablet applications that travelers use to plan their transit trips. STOPS uses the GTFS data from the transit provider(s) in your metropolitan area to represent detailed descriptions of the area’s current transit services. To make forecasts for a project, you will code modifications to the GTFS data to represent the new and modified transit services associated with the project.

Relationship to Other Required Data

The GTFS specification uses latitudes and longitudes to represent the location of each stop and transit station. STOPS uses these coordinates to relate boarding and alighting locations with trip origin and destination locations obtained from the CTPP.

Getting the Data

Some agencies make their GTFS data freely available to all users. You can search the internet for “GTFS Public Feeds” to find a listing of transit agencies that make their GTFS schedule data available publicly.

Even if the data from the transit provider(s) in your area are not publicly available, you may well be able to obtain the data directly from your provider(s). Most large transit agencies send their schedule data to one or more of the on-line mapping programs. So, check with the planning or scheduling department(s) for information on the availability of GTFS data for your project corridor.