Performance-Based Planning Resources
To help states, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and transit providers implement the requirements for national performance measures in areas such as safety, infrastructure condition, congestion, system reliability, emissions, and freight movement to comply with the Final Rule on Metropolitan and Statewide and Non-Metropolitan Planning, FTA and FHWA have developed a variety of training resources. Learn more about performance-based planning for transit.
Peer Exchanges
During 2016 and 2017, FTA’s Office of Planning held a series of Performance Based Planning Peer Exchange Roundtables throughout the country to improve technical capacity of transit providers and MPOs in implementing performance based planning, with a focus on the needs of small and medium-sized agencies and MPOs. The well-attended roundtables were held in: Washington, DC; Albany, NY; Charlotte, NC; Salt Lake City, UT; Fort Worth, TX; Kansas City, MO; Seattle, WA; Baltimore, MD; Reno, NV; Chicago, IL and Atlanta, GA and provided participants with an opportunity to voice concerns, share successes, and develop networks with similar-sized agencies to continue sharing best practices.
- See our Performance-Based Planning and Programming Roundtable presentation, which outlines the performance management framework
- See our summary of FTA’s Peer Exchange Roundtables
Training Courses and Webinars
- FTA, in partnership with the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) and the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO), hosted a Performance-Based Planning Roundtable Webinar on June 20, 2017 and November 29, 2017. The webinar explored legislative requirements for performance-based planning and featured speakers from MPOs, transit agencies, and State DOTs working to develop transit asset management plans and set state of good repair performance targets.
FTA Webinar Series for Performance-Based Rules
Statewide and Nonmetropolitan Transportation Planning and Metropolitan Transportation Planning Final Rule
Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan proposed rule
- FTA developed a webinar series to review the proposed rulings.
- Related questions and answers
Transit Asset Management Final Rule
- Final Rule
- Final Rule Small Systems Focus
- NTD Asset Inventory
- Condition Assessment and Guideway Performance Restriction Guidebooks
Highway Safety Improvement Program Final Rules
- HSIP and Safety Performance Measures Final Rule webinar
- Safety Targets Setting Methodologies webinar
Pavement and Bridge Condition Performance Measures Final Rule
System Performance/Freight/CMAQ Performance Measures Final Rule
National Transit Institute/National Highway Institute
FTA and FHWA are finalizing a Performance Based Planning and Programming Course that will be offered through NTI and NHI. In addition to these upcoming courses, scheduled courses include:
- National Transit Database (Urban Reporting) - The goal of this course is to help transit professionals learn the necessary skills for reporting urban data to the NTD internet reporting website.
- Transit Asset Management Implementation for Tier II Providers and Sponsors - The course is intended to outline the requirements, underlying TAM principles, improve transit asset management understanding and practices among smaller providers, and provide support to Tier II parties charged with implementation of the asset management requirements.
- Transportation Performance Management (TPM) for Safety –A two-day course that explains the safety performance measures and noteworthy practices for States to adopt to comply with the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) and Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act requirements.
- MAP-21 Transportation Performance Management Overview (Including FAST Act Updates) - An overview of the Transportation Performance Management (TPM) provisions of MAP-21 and FAST Act, describes the responsibilities that agencies at several levels have in delivering these requirements, highlights the importance of data in meeting the performance management provisions and captures noteworthy practices in use today that may help agencies get started on meeting these requirements.
- Introduction to Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management (Web-based Training): This training explores common terms, background information, and the context of financial plans for Transportation Asset Management.
FTA and FHWA are establishing the performance management framework introduced by MAP-21 and continued by the FAST Act through a series of six rules. Each of these rules contains requirements and deadlines that transit providers, MPOs, and State DOTs are required to meet:
- FHWA published the Model Long Range Transportation Plans – A Guide for Incorporating Performance Based Planning that discusses the seven (7) key elements of a performance-based long-range transportation plan and example practices from around the country. The guidebook is a resource for planning staff involved in the development of long range transportation plans. (February 2023)
- FHWA published a Final Rule that established performance measures to assess condition of bridges and pavements (January 2017)
- FHWA published a System Performance/Freight/CMAQ Performance Measures Final Rule (January 2017)
- FTA published a Final Rule on Statewide and Nonmetropolitan Transportation Planning and Metropolitan Transportation Planning to require a performance-based approach to planning (May 2016)
- FTA published a Final Final Rule on Transit Asset Management to establish performance measures to assess state of good repair of transit agency vehicles and facilities and equipment (September 2016)
- Additional guidance on Transit Asset Management can be found here.
- FTA published a Final Rule on Public Transportation Safety Program that implements FTA’s Safety Oversight authority (August 2016)
- FTA published an NPRM to propose the requirements for the Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (February 2016)
- FHWA published Final Rules that established safety performance measures and integrated performance management into the Highway Safety Improvement Program (March 2016)
- FHWA published a Final Rule that established a process for the development of State Asset Management Plans (October 2016)
For additional questions contact Fleming El-Amin.