Planning Topic Index: A to Z
Planning touches on many different subject areas. Select the topic areas below which relate to transportation planning to find links to statute, regulation, and resource documents.
- Certification Review
- Complete Streets
- Environmental Justice
- Equity
- Federal Land Management Agency (FLMA) Coordination
- Financial Planning & Fiscal Constraint
- Long-Range Statewide Transportation Plan
- Metropolitan Planning Organization
- Metropolitan, Statewide, and non-Metropolitan Planning
- Metropolitan Transportation Plan
- Planning and Environment Linkages (PEL)
- Public Involvement & Outreach
- Scenario Planning
- Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
- Statute, Regulation, & Guidance
- Strategic Highway Network (STRAHNET)/U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Coordination
- Training & Technical Assistance
- Transit-Oriented Development
- Transit and Sustainability
- Transportation Improvement Program
- Unified Planning Work Program
For case studies, guides, and resources, please refer to the Planning Resource Library and the Transportation Planning Capacity Building website.
Last updated: Wednesday, July 5, 2023