FTA 2024 Circular Update
To continue providing high-quality customer service and streamlining its processes, FTA has updated its program guidance and award management requirements for several circulars. The update and consolidation of the circulars incorporate provisions from the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act; the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), enacted as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act; the Uniform Administrative Requirements for Federal awards to non-Federal entities; and current FTA policies and procedures.
Specifically, FTA is updating the following circulars:
- Award Management Requirements Circular, C 5010.1F
- Incorporates and updates guidance for award administration and management activities for all applicable FTA Federal assistance programs.
- Urbanized Areas Formula Grant Programs Guidance, C 9050.1A
- Replaces, consolidates, and updates guidance for Urbanized Area Formula Grants Program (5307); the State of Good Repair Grants Program (5337); and the Urbanized Area formula component of the Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program (5339(a)).
- Rural Areas Formula Grant Program Guidance, C 9040.1H
- Replaces, consolidates and updates guidance for the Buses and Bus Facilities Program (5339(a)); Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program (5311); and the Tribal Transit Program (5311(c)).
- Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program Guidance, C 9070.1H
- Updates information for the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program (5310)
These updated circulars can be found on FTA’s comprehensive Circular webpage here.
FTA issued a Dear Colleague Letter that highlights the effective implementation date for Uniform Guidance revisions across FTA as October 1, 2024, and clarifies that the four circulars have an effective date of November 1, 2024, notwithstanding the Uniform Guidance revisions. The letter also includes information on the major applicable changes for FTA recipients as a result of the Uniform Guidance revisions.
Informational Videos
As part of this update, each Friday from October 18 through November 15, 2024, FTA will post a series of prerecorded videos addressing summary grants management and highlight the requirements outlined in each of the revised circulars - 5010, 9050, 9040, and 9070. Recipients who administer FTA-funded projects are encouraged to review the informational videos. The following is the release date for each of the video series.
Please submit any general questions to FTACircularUpdate2024@dot.gov.
Any program and/or project specific questions should be directed to your regional representative or the point of contact listed in that particular circulars Federal Register Notice.