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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

FY 2011 Apportionments, Allocations, and Program Information - CR


Please note that formatting errors occurred in tables that were published with Federal Register, February 8, 2011 , Volume 76, No. 26, which may be confusing. Please reference the Excel spreadsheets below for complete information on Fiscal 2011 Continuing Resolution Apportionments and Allocations. The text of the Federal Register is accurate and will not be republished.

The following is an extract from the FTA Fiscal Year 2011 Continuing Resolution Apportionments and Allocations corrections published in the Federal Register February 8, 2011 Vol. 76, No. 26 (PDF) [Federal Register text version]. Below are the detailed apportionment tables in Excel format which are to be associated with the February 8 Federal Register notice.

The Continuing Appropriations and Surface Transportation Extension Act, 2011, as amended (Pub. L.111-322, Div. C.) continues the authorization of the Federal transit programs of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) through March 4, 2011. This notice apportions approximately $3 billion in FY 2011 funds made available under the Continuing Appropriations and Surface Transportation Extension Act according to statutory formulas in 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53. FTA will issue a supplemental notice at a later date for any additional increments of formula and discretionary funds that become available.

For general information about this notice contact Kimberly Sledge, Office of Program Management, at (202) 366-2053. Please contact the appropriate FTA regional or metropolitan office for any specific requests for information or technical assistance.

Apportionment Tables

1. 2011Appropriations and Apportionments for Grant Programs (Excel)
2. 2011 Section 5303 Metropolitan Transportation Planning Program (Excel)
3. 2011 Sec 5307 UAF and 5340 Apportionments (Excel)
4. 2011 Sec 5307 Apportioment Formula (Excel)
5. 2011 Formula Grant Program Apportionment Data Unit Values (Excel)
6. 2011 STIC apportionments_revised (Excel)
7. 2011 Clean Fuels Carryover (Excel)
8. 2011 FGM apportionments (Excel)
9. 2011 FGM formula (Excel)
10. 2011 Bus Carryover (Excel)
11. 2011 New Starts Carryover (Excel)
12. 2011 Elderly and Disabled (Excel)
13. 2011 Nonurban and RTAP (Excel)
14. 2011 Tribal Transit Carryover (Excel)
15. 2011 JARC Apportionments (Excel)
16. 2011 New Freedom (Excel)
17. 2011 Alternatives Analysis Carryover (Excel)