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Urban Module New ID Request Forms


Please send this document to the NTD Helpdesk at

Requesting an NTD ID number

To begin NTD reporting, you will need to request an ID number for your agency. At the link below, there is an Excel sheet with four worksheets for you to fill out that will assist the FTA and staff at NTD in evaluating your request and entering your agency into the online system for NTD reporting.

The first worksheet provides an illustrative template for your request letter. In this letter, you will describe your agency, the service you provide and any relationship you may have with another NTD reporter. You will also report when you first applied for and/or received your grant, if applicable. Please feel free to include any further information you feel would further explain your agency's particular situation and help in the evaluation of your request. This letter may also be submitted as an attached PDF on your own letterhead.

The second worksheet is an Excel version of the Contacts (P-30) form. Each transit agency must identify a User Manager for their NTD reports. User Managers are responsible for creating, managing, and editing user accounts for all NTD contacts of the transit agency.  The NTD prefers that transit agencies designate a User Manager who is familiar with TrAMS and the reporting agency's organizational structure. Transit agencies may have two User Managers.

  • The CEO level contact is the principal executive in charge of and responsible for your system. At the end of the Annual Report, the CEO is responsible for certifying the accuracy of the data submitted.
  • The Contact (NTD Contact) is the primary person in charge of data entry and interacting with the analyst during the validation process. Using the Contact level passwords you will be able to edit forms (data entry) and submit revisions to the report during the validation process.
  • The Safety level contact is the primary person in charge of data entry for the Safety and Security Module and interacting with the analyst for all aspects of Safety and Security reporting.
  • The Security level contact is the primary person in charge of entering Security data in the Safety and Security Module. For many systems, you will not have a separate Security Contact.

The third worksheet is an Excel version of the Basic Information (B-10) form that will be the first form you see when you begin reporting. This form captures information about your agency such your address, your FTA recipient (TrAMS) ID, in what urbanized area (UZA) your service is primarily located along with any secondary UZAs or non-UZA (rural) areas. This form also will have the number of vehicles you operate by mode and type of service (directly operated, where the drivers of the vehicles are direct employees of your agency or purchased transportation, where the drivers of the vehicles are employees of a private service provider with whom you contract for service).

The fourth worksheet captures vanpool service information from applicable agencies. If you operate vanpool, please complete this worksheet in order to certify your vanpool service.

Last updated: Thursday, August 10, 2023
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